I worry most about children in second and third grade who have not learned to read, and will go into the fourth grade year, where ability to read is taken for granted, unprepared and unsupported in their reading learning. However, Im still struggling with the decison. Keep in mind he was mostly virtual in pre-K during the pandemic and started face to face in December 2020 for kindergarten. Reassure him that you think he'll have a happy and successful year, and work with the teacher to help make that happen. She said he will not make it in first grade. He will catch on that he was held back as he watches his friends move on. First, you need to remove all of the "you" feelings out of this equation. Varda Meyers Epstein serves as editor in chief of Kars4Kids Parenting. I am afraid we will have a huge bubble of high school drop outs when those children reach the age of sixteen. Our son barely showed up on it. No matter what you decide to do, keep in mind your child is looking to you to set the tone. Im actually not liking it a bit! He is on an IEP for behavior and we have seen great improvement. Will your child benefit from being held back? We found we had good results at home. ADHD is not a learning disability. The final decision about retention at the kindergarten level is usually up to the parents, but check the policy of your school district. For more parenting tips and tricks, find us on Pinterest: Are you a writer, expert, or influencer? In most states, a child is not considered ready for first grade until he or she can read simple books. The pros of repeating the prep year of school. ??? Like many parents, I hadn't realized that success in kindergarten depends on many factors, not just intellectual ability. Julia Layton Because differences are our greatest strength. We sent him to Kindergarten, which was against what his preschool teacher recommended. Some kids just need more time to develop. We missed the registration for pre-k by a week. It's about whether he or she is ready to make the jump to first grade. You can point out how their words or actions made you feel and ask them to be more sensitive in the future . Before using this Expert Advice area, please review our General and Medical Disclaimers. - The youngest kids may be slower to develop physically, shorter, and less advanced with sports and other interests. He loves school and I would hate to give him the stigma of repeating when it's something he doesn't have control over. Knowing why kids act immaturely or young for their age lets you offer the best support. No ! If you think she will be ready in every way: not just in reading, but emotionally and socially, go for it! Here are some of the skills that children are expected to demonstrate by the end of kindergarten, according to educator Rief: When you visit this site, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Overall cognitive development and social skills are typically a larger consideration in the recommendation to repeat. Those books he flies through them because he satisfied the teacher. I think it will scar him to be kept back. Andrew mined two large data sets in a way no researcher has done before and concludes that kids who repeat a year between kindergarten and fifth grade are 60 percent less likely to graduate high school than kids with similar backgrounds, and even . My grandchild is told by his teacher that he should repeat Kindergarten. Please note: This "Expert Advice" area of FamilyEducation.com should be used for general information purposes only. One thing to consider is how your child will feel when all his friends go to first grade and he does not. You can find out more and change our default settings with Cookies Settings. Our little guy is very social and very much aware of his surroundings even figuring out adult things out. Yes, some children learned to read on their own, but it was not a requirement. The hardest part of repeating a grade is dealing with questions about your age. Weve read to him every day for long periods of time since he was 2 months old. First Trimester To-Do List: Take Care of Yourself. We feel like there is no support whatsoever from them in trying to retain. He lives with adults and communicates like a little adult. Holding back where . Editors note: This post was originally published 12/02/2015 and has been completely revised and updated for accuracy and scope. That said, its important to note that learning disabilities may not even be diagnosed until the child goes to grade school. Our class has also been given 80 sight words and take spelling tests. oh and for the record Ive taught in Florida and Michigan. I feel bad for her emotional wellbeing. Connecticut, one of the last states to allow 4-year-olds to enter kindergarten, is considering changing its rules so that children would have to be 5 by Oct. 1, not Jan. 1, prompting a fight over . Repeating kindergarten, preschool or even the first or second grade is often not a big deal and life goes on. It cannot be allowed to be a lost year. - My son will graduate high school and only be 17 years old. According to 1st grade standards. Scholastic.com. Sammy, for instance, could discuss ancient Troy but couldn't draw a stick figure. As a mother it makes me sad she wants to do this. The Redshirting Trend: How to Know When to Start Kindergarten, Why Kindergarten Redshirting Was Right for Our Son, 8 Best Kindergarten Books to Get Your Kid Ready for School, Latest Results Show Math and Reading Scores PlummetedWe Need to 'Act With a Sense of Urgency' Says US Secretary of Education, 8 Tips To Help Black Families Prepare for School Emotionally, Dyslexia in Children: Everything Parents Need to Know, Why Classroom Clip Charts Do More Harm Than Good, School Supplies for Pre-K, Kindergarten, and First Grade, The School Leaders and Teachers Who Took a Stand Against Bans on Mask Mandates, Parents Are Going Back to School To Get Their High School DiplomasHow To Make It Work, Why We Need to Stop Outing LGBTQIA+ Students, Parents Can Have Back-to-School Anxiety TooHere's How toCope, Keeping Kids Safe at School During COVID-19, Parents of Immunocompromised Students Are Forced to Rely on Others to Keep Their Kids Safe and That's Not Fair, Why School Districts Are Rethinking Gifted & Talented Programs. The researchers said these findings didn't mean that kids born in August are more likely to have ADHD. In our CA school kids are expected to be reading at a D level by the end of Kindergarten. What looks like a tantrum could actually be sensory overload. He cannot follow directions consistently enough and other kids are not being nice to him because he is more immature. I fear this will really hurt him! In 2010, 6.2% of children in the US who were eligible to begin school were held back by their parents. He isn't ready for that. This decision should not be based off of how you feel or how you think others will look at you. And as a full time student myself with several children needing help with homework I hardly have the time. Second time around, one of the oldest (at a different pre-k, for what it's worth). You're right that normally repeating the grade is not helpful. A: In Colorado, children with summer birthdays are eligible to start kindergarten at age five since most district cut-off dates are October 1 or within a couple weeks of that date.That said, around 10 percent of parents, particularly those in middle- and upper-income brackets, are deciding to hold off sending their children, often boys, to school until they are six or nearly six. Red, yellow, green, blue with red being the worst. He has some learning challenges (I think a learning disability), and has been in speech since he was 2. . They went on to read and read and read, but at 5 and 6, could not write a single sentence or read those books I was reading to them that were the simple childhood stories. However his fine motor skills need work. Lets follow Finlands example. Sandbox Learning is part of Sandbox & Co., a digital learning company. Students are required to not only know ALL letters and sounds but all sight words by mid year. These questions concerned me, but I knew that repeating kindergarten was the right thing for my son. This is not about how smart or good or "normal" your child is. We are confident that she will be prepared for 1st grade by September. She did not have behavior struggles and was younger in the grade, so for the elementary years this was a struggle. There's no right answer, and it's important to keep in mind that we're talking about 5 and 6 year olds here. The teacher cant get him past level B, but Ive helped him with level C and D books before. Anxietyor shyness: Does it take a long time for the child to warm up to other kids? They might burst into tears when something goes wrong or get clingy when they feel insecure like little kids typically do. My son turned 5 a week before the deadline. Im a grandmother raising my grandson with my husband after raising four sons and kindergarten was never like it is now! They seem to retain NOTHING from the entire day at school! Babies' immune systems begin to mature soon after birth. A resource class 1 - 2 hours a day might be helpful and better than retention. As a teacher, I have seen many students struggle as they are younger and immature compared to their cohort. This article is not accurate in the standards that are taught and need to be mastered. 5 Incredible Things You'll Learn in First Grade, 5 Incredible Things You'll Learn in Kindergarten, a complete disinterest in the kindergarten curriculum, significantly smaller physical size than his or her peers, difficulty handling even slight frustration, Church, Ellen Booth. School will respect our decision at the end of the day, but I honestly did not realize we would feel this much lack of support. History repeating itself- A country with Socialist leaders disbanded the military and Russia invades - is this repeating, Politics and Other Controversies, 0 replies Names of good private pre-kindergarten or kindergarten in Woodlands, Houston, 1 replies Besides the pandemic delays he does good in my opinion and has 4. He even went to half days because they said he cant handle a full day. These teachers, trying to put all kids in a peg as either Got it or Did not get it, are unconscionable ! In the end, it's impossible to predict how any individual will respond to staying back or moving on -- or even how much progress that child will make in the last months of school or over the summer. I'm looking for advice/experience in having a child repeat a grade. In the past, repeating a grade was more popular and was typically suggested if a child was viewed as underachieving or unable to cope due to various factors such as social immaturity, long-term absences, long-term illnesses, behavioural or emotional challenges. Constantly. I understand there are many researchs out there that says that retaining doesnt really help. I might as well homeschool. We were provided with an Encore/Spire program and later in the year, a speech therapist that gave him 15m- once a week. Every answer seems wrong! And a child's levels of physical, social, and intellectual development may be wildly uneven. He is in kindergarten and to our knowledge he has been doing good all year in school. These teams usually made up of the teacher, an administrator, school-support personnel, and the parents can evaluate the situation, plan a course of action, and follow up on your child's progress. Because of COVID, there will be many children who are betwixt and between. So, if a child's birthday falls into dates . But know that teachers don't make the recommendation to repeat kindergarten without a lot of thought. Hes also on an IEP since the beginning of the year. I am NOT allowing this at all ! And the social stigma of being held back can have a major impact on a child's attitude. Holding your child back a year in the beginning of their school . I know I am extremely late to this article, but both my twin brother and I repeated Kindergarten during the 1993-1994 school year. End of February 2018 i am in my sons class room speakin with his teacher bout his academics and as she informs me he has reading problems along with speech problems and now all of a sudden needs little more assistance so i explained that i want him to be in a reading/speech class to help keep him on track(my oldest son goes for speech and ready every week) and if she can send home words and reading material he needs more help with to go over each day at home, waiting and calling and writing comments in his planner on where the work is he needs little more improvement with is at doesnt show up home until the last month of school where then same day i get work of his i get a call from his teacher.she goes on about how hes doin wonderful and all of a sudden she says due to his speech difficulty which effects his reading and reading issues she wants to hold him back in same grade! I emailed his teacher and she responded that he would be advanced to the 1st grade. Well email you our most helpful stories and resources. I would ask for an outside opinion from someone who knows your son and the school. Hi Jeanie, Acting immature can be a sign that kids are struggling and need more support. I can write his letters theyre just not perfect. This study was from Taiwan where the cut-off date, similar to the U.S., is August 31. Instead, I found myself teetering on a tiny chair while the teacher warned me that Sammy might have to repeat the year. They expect them to know all upper & lower case letters and sounds by November or they are considered behind. Is your child curious and always wanting to learn new things? I know it will be difficult for her to see all her friends move on without her but on the other hand 1st grade is ridiculously hard and I feel like Im throwing her to lions because I know shes not academically ready. Im so upset! Ask about any additional services the school can provide and what you can do at home to help. He was always in trouble in kindergarten, had difficulty making and keeping friends, never did homework or classwork, could not focus, did poorly on tests. Please help! Grade retention has a negative impact on all areas of a child's achievement (reading, math, and language) and socio-emotional adjustment (peer relationships, self-esteem, problem behaviors and attendance). I taught gifted children in my career as a teacher who were held back in kindergarten by demanding and close minded teachers and parents. Is he good at sharing? . Going back to the blending.. he know all the alphabet and every sound. I've done a lot of research and it's the general consensus that grade repetition isn't the way to go. Learn about reasons for immature behavior and how to help. He will just be turning six when school starts and he will have support (TSS worker) and I feel confident that he will excel this year. Not kind of reading but really reading. Just dont know why he can not put the sounds together to make the word?? The child is not repeating kindergarten. In June 1993, my kindergarten teacher recommended both of us to repeat Kindergarten, and our parents agreed to do that. They do testing of 4 parts. Here are more reasons kids may seem younger than other kids their age: Hyperactivity: Does the child seem to be "driven by a motor," like the . The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review recently carried a story Kindergartners "Redshirted" to Gain Edge, in which Harvard researchers suggest that red shirting (1) increases the potential for high school drop outs and (2) threatens depressed lifetime earnings because the student's entry into the labor market is . This, in my opinion could greatly help my son with almost zero downside. Posted on 1/25/23 at 9:54 pm to WhoDatKrewe. But we just feel hes not ready to move to 1st grade, and thats just gona give him more to struggle with. We are solely to blame for not having our son attend pre-k as I was uneducated on its value. His teacher comments about his immaturity-- he is very well behaved, but does seem to be immature compared to the other kids. First should we allow him to repeat kindergarten ? The teacher has let him build legos, blocks pretty much all year. For a child who is behind his or her peers, these potential positives are real and significant. Kindergarten retention totally ignores what we know about child development.Early childhood is a period of very rapid intellectual growth. Kids develop skills at different rates. There are no easy answers when it comes to grade retention, and experts are divided on whether repeating kindergarten is more likely to lead to long-term benefit or deficit. What's more, kindergartners can range in age from 4 to 6 because about 5 percent of kids repeat the year and . Following that advice, my parents moved us to a private school that went through 8th grade. We still have him read for 15-20 minutes per night and do his short kindergarten homework, but he is not doing much more than that at home anymore because there just isnt time and we have him to bed by 7:30 nightly. Understood is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charitable organization (tax identification number 83-2365235). Get that out of your head immediately. Does he try to tell the story by looking at the pictures? But these days, kindergarten can seem less like a nurturing bridge to formal learning and more like academic boot camp. Find out what they notice, and work on ways to help kids develop skills like self-control. I think she meant years old not month old., my son is 6 year old the teacher told me he has to repeat kindergarten because he dont want to do his classwork and he does not follow directions what should i do plz help me. As a result, the repeating-kindergarten phenomenon has become relatively commonplace. The study of 784 Texas school children followed from first grade until graduating or dropping out of school led by Dr. Jan N. Hughes, Professor Emeritus in educational psychology, found that even though grade retention in the elementary grades does not harm students in terms of their academic achievement or educational motivation at the transition to high school, it increases the odds that they will drop out of school before obtaining a high school diploma by 2.67 times. That retaining doesnt really help things out when those children reach the age of.... Opinion could greatly help my son with almost zero downside will graduate high school drop outs when those reach! That you think he 'll have a major impact on a child who is behind his or peers! Speech since he was 2. your child is looking to you to set tone! If a child 's levels of physical, social, and has in. Does seem to be immature compared to the U.S., is August 31 raising my grandson with my after. 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