The most important music award in the world. She won a full scholarship. Adems, los astronautas tienen que vivir dos aos en Marte antes de poder regresar. La sociedad mexicana espera algo muy diferente de una mujer como yo. This category has hundreds of words translated into Spanish and English. Jorge: Yo trabaj mucho para poder hacerlo. Mexican Spanish has a rich history and culture. We concluded after reviewing the Duolingo app and thoroughly testing it that it is not a good option for learning Spanish. Irma: Yo ayudaba con el trabajo del rancho, con las vacas y los cerdos. They attended the Global Space Congress where Carmen was able to speak with astronauts and engineers who worked on the International Space Station project. That's because the imperfect is used for talking about more complex situations in the past situations spread out over time. Irma smiled, she was happy. She respected that Linda didn't want to become a curandera, and understood that Linda's feelings about traditional medicine were somewhat conflicted, given her own mother's attitude. Harry has 16 great great great grandfathers: King Christian IX of Denmark Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich of Russia Prince Alexander of Hesse and by Rhine Louis IV, Grand Duke of Hesse and by Rhine King Edward VII of the United Kingdom Francis, Duke of Teck Claude Bowes-Lyon, 13th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne Charles Cavendish-Bentinck He took Irma aside and told her about the album. Martina: Mexico is always in Carmens heart, and the country has a lot to thank her for. Carmen: As que yo comenc a estudiar Comercio Internacional. Adems de eso, estaba la falta de educacin en las escuelas y el machismo. Estaba listo para seguir aprendiendo. Linda: Por eso, decid ser doctora y especializarme en ginecologa. The Duolingo English Test Welcome to the convenient, fast, and affordable English test accepted around the world. Every episode, we bring you fascinating true stories, to help you improve your Spanish listening, and gain new perspectives on the world. Yo era muy buena en mi trabajo y reciba muchas rdenes para hacer vestidos. Under "Best Nortea Music Album: Buyuchek y la Abuela Irma. Martina: Linda promised her grandmother that one day, she would take her to the capital to live with her. Ah las parteras podan ayudar a las mujeres antes, durante y despus del parto, con la supervisin de un mdico. When he returned to Mexico he felt stronger. Their dad drove them two hours each way, to concerts and competitions. Abortion is legal only in cases where the mother's life is in danger, which often leads to unsafe abortion practices. Secretly, he studied for four semesters. Linda: Esa experiencia me dio una idea que cambi la direccin de mi carrera profesional para siempre. For Spanish, Spanish flag is being used unless there is Mayan Pyramids in the picture. When she finished her degree, she went on to get a Masters in Space Studies at the International Space University in France. Javier: Pero todo era diferente en Guanajuato. Entonces, cuando lleg mi adolescencia, pens: "Yo quiero seguir los pasos de mi abuela, pero yo voy a ser doctora". Jorge: Cantar siempre haba sido un pasatiempo para mi abuela. grandmother Mexican Spanish la abuela More Relations Vocabulary in Mexican Spanish American English Mexican Spanish boss el jefe parents los padres family la familia father el padre girlfriend la novia grandfather el abuelo children los nios mother la madre boyfriend el novio bride la novia groom el novio hug abrazo friend el amigo wife la esposa Outside, its nothing but sand and a few hills for as far as the eye can see. Javier: Cecilia me dijo que yo tena talento e identific el tono y el color de mi voz. Fascinating stories in easy-to-understand Spanish, Narrator & Protagonist: Jorge Loayzat & Irma Silva, Sound Design & Mastering Engineer: Antonio Romero, Episode 65: La abuela superstar (Grandma Superstar). Entonces, l vivi conmigo durante los primeros dos aos de su vida. Hay instituciones que ya han presentado diferentes ideas para enviar este hbitat al planeta rojo. "Times have changed," they told her. The Spanish language also has words for great-grandmother bisabuela and great-great grandmother ttara abuela. She lives in Guatemala City. They talked to Irma, and tried to convince her that her age and gender no longer mattered! Irma says she's happier than ever. 33.6M learners. And there it was. Mi madre me dijo que los msicos no tienen futuro y que yo iba a terminar limpiando las calles. Martina: Communication is another challenge: theres a 20-minute delay on incoming and outgoing messages sent between Mars and Earth. Sin embargo, Cecilia tena razn. She passed away in 2011, very proud of Linda's professional path. You can find the audio and a transcript of each episode at The different verb tenses of Spanish are essential to understanding the language. Ah est la magia de la medicina tradicional. Martina: "Mal de ojo", or the "evil eye", is considered an illness by many Guatemalans who believe humans have the power to transfer bad energy to others. Pero cuando empec a escuchar las melodas, cerr los ojos y me imagin cantando en mi rancho. Her grandson, Jorge, the founder of the band, had begged her to sing with him so many times that she finally agreed. Carmen: Yo crec en una familia grande: ramos tres hermanos, una hermana, muchos primos y tos. As a child, Dr. Linda Valencia was fascinated by her grandmother, a traditional healer in Guatemala. For decades, she took care of the house by day and worked as a seamstress by night. Nosotros tenamos que completar cuestionarios, evaluar nuestro trabajo y reportar situaciones en el equipo. I'm Martina Castro. So he spent a lot of time with Irma, who would sing to him every day. In the Spanish language, many words use the -o ending for males and the -a ending for females. There he was mentored by Francisco Araiza, one of Mexicos most famous tenors. So before telling his grandmother, he saved up money for more than a year. Por eso, mi abuela fue quien realmente me cri y quien dej un impacto muy fuerte en m. Yo no estaba aprendiendo nada nuevo. Javier: Despus de escuchar pera por primera vez, me inscrib en una clase de canto con la maestra Cecilia Perfecto, una profesora de pera de la Universidad Veracruzana. Lucy is one of the Duolingo main characters who appears in the stories, lessons and other events. Jorge: Yo fui corriendo a decirle a mi abuela que nos haban ofrecido un contrato con Universal Music. The differences with Castilian (spoken in Spain) are minor, such as the use of ustedes instead of vosotros for third person plural, some vocabulary differences (jugo instead of zumo, computador instead of ordenador etc.) Practice online on or on the apps! Es un proceso que incluye tanto a las parteras como a las curanderas. Ella me apoyaba incondicionalmente y estaba muy orgullosa de m. Yo misma los he probado! This episode was produced by Duolingo and Adonde Media. But there was a difference: he was a man. Aunque la idea, en teora, era buena: invitar al mundo de la medicina tradicional a los hospitales pblicos. Javier: Yo saba que tena que trabajar en mis arias y en la forma de pararme en el escenario. They were treated more like janitors than healthcare professionals. No tena ni siquiera un traje! So let's jump into how their Spanish course is structured. Martina: A few weeks after the concert, Jorge got a call while he was working out at the gym. Martina: Linda's family is mestizo, meaning they have a mix of indigenous and European roots. Listen free on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts. No las dejaban ayudar durante el parto. Martina: While studying engineering, Carmen also studied astronomy and she made sure to stay up-to-date with the latest in that field. as seen in the official "Feeling Crabby" webcomic. At 80 she thought that was it for heruntil her grandson made an offer she couldn't refuse, and invited her to be the lead singer of his band. And if you liked this story, please share it! Martina: To put this new policy into practice in her home country, Linda joined forces with the nonprofit Planned Parenthood. "Nuestras" is an adjective describing "abuelas". Spain accounts for less than 10% of native Spanish speakers so it would have made little sense for Duolingo to teach that version. "Whether its going out on the town or supporting each other, Lucy and Lin are the best grandma-granddaughter duo! Martina: After hanging up, Jorge googled the 2019 Grammy nominations. Mi abuela no pudo hacerlo, pero yo no tuve ningn problema. From the makers of Duolingo, the most popular language-learning app, comes a new podcast that delivers fascinating real-life stories in easy-to-understand Spanish with English narration. Nunca olvidar ese da porque sent una emocin muy grande. Every episode, we bring you fascinating true stories, to help you improve your Spanish listening, and gain new perspectives on the world. It was her very first song in front of a real audience. Javier: En mi primera clase solo respiramos. This story was produced by Antonio Daz Oliva, a Chilean writer based in East Nashville. Even though 'nana' is also used as a way to say grandma in Spanish, it's not as popular as other terms from this list. Find free online courses to learn grammar, and basic Spanish. Yo nunca haba visto tantos micrfonos y equipos de sonido. Manage Settings The Spanish lessons of Duolingo, is it Mexican or Castilian?HomesickTouristYou know the Portuguese lessons are for Brasilian Portuguese. As a kid I used to love catching toads. Martina: When his boss heard the demos, he was silent for a couple of minutesand then, to Jorge's surprise, he started crying. Martina: Linda visited 37 hospitals during her first year, and only two passed the minimum standard of quality established by the ministry. Nadie esperaba esto de m, una mujer mexicana. Irma had never been to one before. One of the languages offered on Duolingo is Spanish. Our data reflects the state of language learning for the most inclusive sample ever amassed: we have over 500 million learners in all 194 countries, Duolingo is free to use and is available as a mobile app and a website so learners from all backgrounds and profiles use our . In fact, she always encouraged her to study, read, and learn as much as possible while she was in school. Cancel. And a little intimidated. Martina: Javier's parents were never happy with his decision to drop engineering for music, but they also saw how dedicated he was to opera. Find out how to refer to the past, present, and future. Linda: Las personas iban a visitar a mi abuela cuando no se sentan bien. Me vale madre (I don't care) 3. Yo le dije a mi nieto que quera seguir cantando porque me mantena ocupada. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Martina: Soon after that concert, their first album was ready. For the debut album they chose the title Las canciones de la abuela, or Grandma's songs, and uploaded it to Spotify and YouTube. Carmen: Nadie entenda muy bien por qu yo haca todo esto. Right now there is a little bit of peninsular spanish mixed in, but they dont even go over the vosotros forms. Jorge's dad passed away when he was just a few months old. You can also subscribe at Apple Podcasts or your favorite listening app, so you never miss an episode. Whether you are learning Spanish to study or because you want to travel to a Spanish-speaking country. Martina: Theres isnt any oxygen on Mars, so astronauts will need life support systems to leave the habitat. Martina: While she sang, Irma thought about how incredible it felt to be there. 13.9M learners. And if you liked this story, please share it! Linda: Ella siempre estuvo segura de que yo iba a ir a la universidad. Irma: Jorge vena a mi rancho a practicar conmigo todas las semanas. La exploracin es inherente al ser humano y esto nos va a llevar hasta el planeta rojo. Martina: It was around this time that Linda visited the hospital in Solol. Irma: Los domingos yo me reuna con mis cinco hijos y mis doce nietos. Martina: Opera is all about endurance, Javier," Cecilia told her young opera student. Todava tena mucho que aprender. Cant una de mis canciones favoritas: El ausente. Neighbors would bring their babies to Linda's grandmother when they suspected an energy imbalance. He was singing Il Mio Tesoro, the famous aria or solo set-piece from Mozarts Don Giovanni, and by the middle of the aria, they asked him to stop. Carmen: Cuando extraaba mucho a mi familia y amigos, pensaba que los astronautas tenan que ser personas fuertes y preparadas para las situaciones difciles. Carmen: Es como salir de una burbuja. Linda: Por eso, esta nueva relacin con la medicina a veces causaba desconfianza. Japanese. Simplemente porque mucha gente crea en ellas. Yo tom el telfono y llam a mi familia y a mis amigos en Mxico para hablarles de mi experiencia. Martina: But the record label had a request. So he did over and over. Martina: Ten years into his career, Javier had conquered every stage in Europe and now he was about to face his Everest, The Met. Martina: Sistema de soporte vital is a life support system. Ellas me explicaron que all, al igual que en Guatemala y otras partes de Amrica Latina, las parteras no estaban consideradas dentro del sistema de salud. Irma: Ellos insistieron tanto que, al final, yo acept. Linda started to design a better system of care for Guatemalan women. Carmen: La Antrtica es otro lugar ideal para hacer estas simulaciones. This episode was produced by Duolingo and Adonde Media. The main difference between the two types of Spanish is the pronunciation. It's 100% free, fun, and scientifically proven to work. Martina: At the door of the habitat, Carmen Flix puts on her red space suit. A few words are a lot more commonly used in Spain but those are exceptions. Linda: Mi objetivo era ayudarlos a entender por qu este cambio era necesario en nuestro sistema de salud. They took their rancheras to Spain, France, Bulgaria, and Turkey, where they played in a town called Bykekmece. This episode will include scientific terms, so if you miss something, you can always skip back and listen again and we also offer full transcripts at Spanish. Because while it might look a lot like the red planet, this is actually a red desert in Utah. Duolingo is a free online language learning platform that offers courses in a variety of languages. Los aplausos son como truenos y la emocin del pblico llega al escenario como una gran ola. Irma: Yo no entenda cmo una mujer de 80 aos como yo iba a grabar un disco. Irma: El pblico me daba mucha energa. Le dije a Jorge que s y l se puso muy contento. Linda: Era un grupo de mujeres de Puerto Rico. Their voices have to be powerful enough to be heard over an accompanying live orchestra, in a theater full of people. Martina: After his professional debut, Javier toured Mexico singing, and he became famous in his country. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Carmen: Esta es una zona donde los astronautas del Apolo 11 practicaron para caminar por la superficie de la Luna. Martina: Carmen is an electronics and telecommunications engineer. Martina: After 16 days, Carmen was able to leave the habitat. Jorge wore dark jeans and a black hat that he likes to wear on stage. Al regresar, me cambi de profesin. We'd love to know what you thought of this episode! She cried. Martina: Opera singers dont commonly use microphones. Martina: It was devastating news. Irma: A los 80 aos por fin descubr que soy cantante. Martina: These parabolic flights that simulate zero gravity allow the scientists to test two things: their ability to perform experiments and to evaluate how their bodies react to those new environments. These are not language lessons; they're life lessons through language. Martina: The experience was a turning point for Linda. Comamos lo que cosechbamos en nuestro rancho. The band had a new name, too: Buyuchek y la Abuela Irma. His band wasn't well known, but he had big dreams. " We couldn't wait to share this duo, so today we're meeting one more pair of our characters! Irma: En esa poca, las mujeres no podan tener esas aspiraciones porque estaba mal visto. Nosotros tenamos una sesin de ejercicios todos los das en la agenda. Another major issue is access to water, which is very limited and hard to carry. Eso es algo que tambin se debe practicar. Popular Spanish categories to find more words and phrases: English to Spanish Martina: The accordion began to play. Este siempre fue mi sueo ms grande. Me dijo que poda ser tenor, pero que el trabajo iba a ser difcil. Eran enormes y haba luces y espejos por todos lados. Javier: Yo no estaba listo para ningn concurso. Aprend de sus puntos fuertes y de sus errores. Carmen: Yo compart mi experiencia con ellos y, desde entonces, trabajamos juntos cada vez que voy a Mxico. Martina: But Linda's efforts didn't stop there. La simulacin en el desierto de Utah fue una de las fases para lograr ese objetivo. Imagin que se haba confundido con mi fecha de cumpleaos. Tena que probar la autonoma de un robot en un ambiente marciano. Until they found out. Martina: Parteras and curanderas would be the liaisons between the modern and the traditional. Today, Irma and Jorge continue to perform together, and they're getting ready to record a new album. Even private enterprises like SpaceX have their eyes fixed on Mars. Up to that moment, medicine in Guatemala had been largely traditionala legacy from Mayan culture. The 2020 Duolingo Language Report includes trends, patterns, and analyses about language learning around the world. Ahora ellas estaban en la capital estudiando. Yo quera regalarle a toda esa gente la msica que haba llevado dentro de m durante toda mi vida. In this Spanish category, you will find the translation of words and phrases in Spanish, with many sentences that will help you determine how each phrase or word is applied. We'd love to know what you thought of this episode! Estar crudo (To be hungover) 8. The course is free, and it is designed for beginners. When she took the stage, the crowd would chant: A-bue-la! Martina: Growing up, Linda was fascinated with her grandmother, Herlinda. In fact, this word's popularity may vary depending on the Spanish speaking country and on the person's preference. Maybe he was going to end up sweeping streets as his mother told him maybe pursuing his passion for music was a huge mistake. Martina: Unfortunately, Irma's joy lasted for exactly two days. Linda: Yo entend que las parteras podan ser un puente entre la medicina tradicional y la moderna. It was Irma's first time backstage in a dressing room, or camerino. It was a dream come truebut also a lot of pressure. Clearly, Carmen is not in Mexico anymore. Martina: Carmen also reached an agreement with NASA to permit Mexican college students to do research residencies there, and she started a NASA summer school program for Mexican high school students. Hoy les vamos a cantar las canciones de la poca de la abuela que ella nos ha transmitido de generacin en generacin". Martina: For example, participating in international singing contests was an important activity for students there. Linda: La curandera no est simplemente relacionada con las enfermedades fsicas de una persona, sino tambin con el aspecto emocional y espiritual. Learn Spanish with bite-size lessons based on science. Episode 65: La abuela superstar (Grandma Superstar) By Duolingo on Thu 13 Aug 2020 Irma Silva was born on a ranch, married young, and raised a large family the traditional life of a rural Mexican woman. Eso puede tener consecuencias negativas sobre todo el equipo. Irma: Le dije que s porque en el pblico solo iban a estar mis amigos y mi familia. He didn't think it was important, so he didn't take it right away. Send us an email with your feedback at Javier: Ha sido realmente una carrera de resistencia. Martina: Carmen doesnt know if shell ever actually achieve her dream of going to space someday, but shes still getting ready for it. German. Javier: Yo no estaba listo para eso, as que decid quedarme un semestre ms en Veracruz. Y en los equipos internacionales hay muchas diferencias culturales. Yo los analic y me analic a m mismo. Javier: No me fue muy bien en ese concurso, pero me sirvi para aprender. 27 de fevereiro de 2023 | usssa baseball tournaments 2022. The storyteller will be using intermediate Spanish, and I'll be chiming in for context in English. Nada de esto habra sido posible sin la influencia de mi abuela. This episode was produced by Duolingo and Adonde Media. Most of Duolingo's material is available, but this version is definitely more limited than the subscription version.. Duolingo acts like a videogame in that if you make a mistake, you lose a "heart" and if you run out of hearts you "lose" and have to wait . The goal was to simulate environmental conditions people might experience on Mars. Sin embargo, no hay oxgeno en su atmsfera, as que para salir al exterior, los astronautas necesitan mochilas con sistema de soporte vital, como las que usamos durante la simulacin. It would be a great present for her and a treasure that the family could keep forever. Martina: Some of the parteras were asked to sweep the floors, pick up the garbage, even to mop up the rooms after a delivery. In 2010, twelve years after she became a physician, the Safe Motherhood Law was approved by Guatemala's legislature. Javier: Despus de la mencin de honor en Per, particip de nuevo en el Concurso Nacional de Canto en el Palacio de Bellas Artes y gan una beca. A m me gustaba mucho quedarme despierta hasta tarde y mirar las estrellas. Martina: Carmens simulation in the Utah desert was in 2016 and it lasted 16 days. Linda: Yo de verdad creo que es la victoria ms grande de toda mi carrera. May 21, 2019 Tonio477590 1231 When referring to both grandparents, Spanish always uses the masculine form. It's mostly Latin American Spanish. Gracias por escuchar. Ellos simplemente quieren ms! Mi mam me dijo: Solo me gusta la pera cuando t cantas. Martina: Once he arrived in Zurich, he was invited to join Zurichs International Opera Studio. She had been a professor for many years, and had trained many singers. Martina: Linda was ultimately successful during her first years as a doctor. It has Brazil Flag extc. Martina: Javiers first performance at The Met was a success. It is a mix of Indigenous, European, and North American influences. Estamos nominados a los Premios Grammy Latinos!". You can check out all the Spanish vocabulary and grammar we cover here, and we add new material all the time. Jorge drove for two hours straight to Irma's ranch. Martina: Growing up surrounded by music, Jorge started singing rancheras from an early age, often along with his grandma. Martina: Javier's training with Cecilia was key to his career. Qu padre! Yo estaba muy nervioso. Martina: He wanted Javier to enter a popular contest in Trujillo, Peru. She worked at NASA, where she specialized in the construction of small satellites. Irma: Yo no saba mucho de internet, pero el efecto fue inmediato. Carmen: En Marte, los astronautas deben ser muy independientes al momento de tomar decisiones. In the Portuguese to English version, she invites Duo to do Capoeira, a brazilian martial-art. Martina: This type of reporting was essential. So whoever it is, is visiting us. Linda: Nosotras trabajamos con un concepto llamado "desmedicalizar". Global Nav Open Menu Global Nav Close Menu; Apple; Shopping Bag + Search He said: "Jorge, this is a gem. Mi profesor me prest uno de color blanco que me quedaba tan grande que me pareca a Clavillazo. Carmen: Estos chicos van a escoger las carreras profesionales que necesitamos para hacer crecer una industria espacial potente en Mxico. Imagnense todo lo que podemos lograr en los prximos 50 aos! And Earth neighbors would bring their babies to linda 's family is,! Exploracin es inherente al ser humano y esto nos va a llevar hasta el rojo... A veces causaba desconfianza and curanderas would be a unique identifier stored in a dressing,... Was mentored by Francisco Araiza, one of the Duolingo main characters who appears in the Utah desert was school... And I our grandmothers are mexican in spanish duolingo be chiming in for context in English many singers, got! Grandmother, Herlinda child, Dr. linda Valencia was fascinated with her grandmother, Herlinda sentan bien the! 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