Running my way through the jungle I manage to dodge most of the branches and bushes, only sustaining minor cuts and scratches to my arms and face. Thats all we have on Harold, his name on a boarding pass I just wish there was something more Goodbye, Harold, Claire says as her voice gets quieter as I walk away. Published . I look around and everyone seems on edge, shocked, and almost ready to tussle. My daddy shot my mom, Sawyer says, and I bite my tongue. I slowly lower myself onto the bed, now feeling light-headed from sitting up. Ive never been in a plane crash before, let alone one where I might not be important enough to survive. She's the type of girl that most would overlook if they were to see her in the street, at a party, or in a grocery store. Sawyer doesnt say anything and I whimper. I hop my way to the kitchen, pull out the trash bag, close it, then head outside through the sliding glass door. What do you know about it? Amelia shouted and it echoed around the jungle. LOST fanfic generally explores characters, relationships, storylines, and themes from the show, that are not explored in canon. What I mean is, you say you know all of us. Im sure Jack can help me once everything is settled down. Now 6 hours into the flight I am clutching the armrests of my seat in preparation. Yes, this is really happening. I walk faster down the beach. I stand up in a hurry. Sure jelly, my dad replies and pauses the movie. I think Ive got a pretty good idea, I say confidently back. The book washed up on shore, went in the drink with the rest of- Sawyer is cut off as Kate elbows him across the face. I didnt do it, Amelia chuckles as she crosses her arms over her chest and looks down the beach. Greninja missed his trainer but then, another trainer comes into his life to fill that void. He then pulls out a cigarette and begins smoking it. I thought Sawyer might have, but I guess I was wrong. Sawyer decided to take a nap so I decide to continue to read Of Mice and Men. She's never been a very good person. Oh my god. Press J to jump to the feed. It's just that at this moment there are no plans for reviving it. Im not supposed to be here, and Im manipulating things to make sure I dont sit around on the beach all day. Summary: Extreme peril is unraveling against the survivors and their children. Hope you like chapter 5, too. I follow not far behind Sawyer. I sit on the beach as I watch the sun go down across the ocean. Then my stomach turns and I remember Juliet. For better or for worse, Amelia says proudly to Jack. Perhaps a more indirect method will loosen your tongue? Sayid asks and I know whats coming. The girls asthma medicine. I fucked up royally, and Sawyer was right. Part of me wants to find Jacob and ask him why he brought me here. Okay mom! I get to my tent and collapse in front of it pulling my knees up to my chest. I cant stand it. I can hear my heartbeat and the rushing of blood to my ears just before I pass out completely. I dont- I dont b-buy it, I stumble as I speak. Get out!. Not your fault, Sawyer replies simply, still looking away from me. Hes been looking at me the whole time. Yes, she says quietly, her hair lifted off her face by the breeze. I hear the soft crunching of the sand behind me and I can tell its Sawyer before I even have to turn around. Do I hear a note of sarcasm in that statement? Amelia laughs, looking in Kates direction as she huffs away from Sawyers latest crack at her. Embers Part One Kate clasped Claires hand Jack turns to me. I sink into the sand next to the tree as I swallow the burning feeling in my throat. Running up I catch the tail end of what Hurley is saying. I quickly get fed up, at this point not really caring. (Also called fanfic.) The oxygen masks drop and I scramble to put mine on, my hands are shaking so badly that Sawyer has to reach over and help me. I cry out when he grabs my wrists roughly and slides the bamboo into them. Do me a favor, Sawyer spat, shooting daggers at Amelia, when you leave today, go straight to Hell.. The only person Ill tell is her, Sawyer replies. Then Jack shows up and begins to gather Sawyer out of his seat. I feel myself stumble back, W-What? I choke out, I wasnt expecting that answer. I press my face into my knees and dont look up at anyone anymore. Could it be because Im younger? Then he and Sayid begin dragging Sawyer away. Goodnight, Jack, and I walk into my tent. Yet she didnt forget his words. Ah, good question. I nod back. When a redeemed Hillary frees Gwens family, Sawyer stabs her and demands to bring Gwen to him and later, when Trent tries to come near him, he shoots his hand and proceeds to use him as a meat shield and tries to taunt Gwen into shooting him. Your purse your lips to hide a smile. Hes just looking out for me, he probably thinks of me like a daughter. Notes: Script format. Ah, I know when we are. No, I whooped a thief cuz he was going through my stuff, Sawyer huffs. Jack rushes over to us as Sawyer tries to get me up. Want to see what kind of trouble we can get into? Amelia asks with a glint in her eye that for once Sawyer cant to seem to decipher. Add to library 100 Discussion 20 Suggest tags. Do I hear a note of sarcasm in that statement? Amelia laughs, looking in Kates direction as she huffs away from Sawyers latest crack at her. Sawyer watches her go with an awful expression on his face. I intercept him once ahain, but at a cost. Stay, I say quickly, Please? Sawyer looks at me oddly before sitting back down and settling beside me. I watch as Sayid kisses Kates hand and then turns to walk away. My back screams in pain as Im blown away from the house, the explosion pushing me towards the street. I just got tortured by a damn spinal surgeon and a gen-u-ine I-raqi, Sawyer pauses and looks over to me, Of course, Im serious. Gwen and her family are later brought to the hospital where their wounds are treated and they are revealed to have post traumatic stress disorder, with Gwen specifically having two years worth. Stay with her! I hear Jack yell to Hurley, talking about Claire. I can watch Micheal as he talks to Sun about watching Walt. Splinters? Without spoiling, one of the sequels I linked to above (After, by KhamanV) is pretty much hardcore sci-fi, and if you like that notion, you might consider checking it out. I smile to myself some more and begin to hum I Shall Not Walk Alone as I remember from the episodes end. I can hear someone talking frantically, probably calling the fire department. Which one? I keep my eyes away from the people in the caves as Jack approaches. No no, Im okay. There aren't a lot of LOST fanfiction sequels out there, but here are some. Some people are just born with tragedy in their blood, Sawyer says to Amelia one day. Yeah. Can we watch this? I ask him, eyes sparkling. Dont stop now. Sawyer I really wish youd shut up, I say weakly, but everything looks blurry. Jogging over I grab it quickly before those who are stacking the suitcases notice. Im with him. I fall to the sand as black engulfs me. My backs killing me., Yeah no problem! I answer, taking the bananas and slinging them over my shoulders, Where do you want them?, Kate points down the beach, past where theres a small pile of clothes and a book, Just down there is fine.. My name is Amelia Kassman, and I am not exactly supposed to be on this flight. Now, the island seems to be calling him home. Ive seen it. I swallow and begin to tell him my past. Give me the medication.. I grumble internally, he didnt have the decency to get me out of my seat. Birds flew away from the volume of her voice. Well Ill be damned, didnt know you knew im.. Not that Im really sneaking around much, I am still technically a survivor. I dont want to think about the freighter, or the time skipping, or Dharmaville. So, how did I find my way on this flight? Lucky me I guess. He is the extremely abusive father of Gwen who abandoned her when she was three years old. Guilt floods my stomach as Sawyer turns to face me, "Yeah..". Were not savages, Kate. Sayid, I need my stuff from the caves, my leather backpack. A/N: Heres Confidence Man! I remember that Sayid is leaving, and I smile a bit to myself. I realize how boring I must be to the other survivors. Sayid shifts to get behind me and my tied hands. Pairing: Jack Shephard/Kate Austen. Then Jack pulls a little flashlight out of his pocket and goes toward the plane. Dude, Im not going anywhere, Hurley says. Summary: What happened after the Island and before "The End?" *. I quickly scramble to my feet, and glance down . I have a lot of skeletons in my closet, Sawyer replied with a chuckle. For instance, Lost: The Auction, that was held after the show ended got around 1 million dollars from bidders. Dragging it through the sand I pick up some airplane seats and haul them over to where Sawyer seems to be setting up his tent. Jack pinched my artery closed as best as he can as Sawyers hands steady themselves at my waist to keep me still. I can feel Sawyers eyes on me, then I feel his hand rest on my knee. Maybe not, but itll feel good, Jack replies and then nods to me. Oh yeah. T-rated. Must be cold without your trunks, I say, making no effort to keep the amusement out of my voice. Words . And you gave him his knife back? Sawyer says incredulously to Jack. Why am I still alive? Sawyer x Amelia Oneshots by Lost in Fanfiction 362 1 6 A collection of stories (usually based on prompts) that range from short to long, and anywhere from fluffy, normal, or angsty. video store receipt lists his overdue charges for Willie Wonka and A Little Princess. The mighty huntress returns, Sawyer says to Kate, not seeing I was there, Whats for dinner, hon-. Sayid holds a finger up to his lips to signal silence and I scramble out of my seat towards him. The thing that I keep coming back around to is that you want to be hated. I walk past Jack, and I can feel his eyes on me. My heart jolts at this action but I quickly put it down in fear. Okay everybody, just calm down, Jack says, holding his hands out a little. With one last withering glance at Sawyer I turn on my heel and follow them. But one of these days Im going to find you and Im going to give you this letter so youll remember what you done to me. Youre gonna have to be more specific there, blue eyes. I havent lived in LA all my life and the rain is a welcome change to the climate Im used to. Yet she didnt forget his words. Its a Tuesday, I know how to restrain myself, Amelia replied just as playfully, enjoying the light-ish banter after all the shit. Shit shit shit shit shit shit. I keep my mouth in a tight line to avoid from making any pathetic sounds. Sawyer jerks awake and without a smile Sayid says, Good morning, and slams the pipe down onto Sawyer. Until came the woman. Pain. Sawyer turns around. Now about that kiss I didnt think so, Sawyer says and he walks past me away from the wood. Oh, its Boone. I really need the main cast to believe me. I nudge him with my shoulder and say, Nice one, Sawyer looks proudly at me. James "Sawyer" Ford Sayid Jarrah IVANA TODD ISN'T AS INNOCENT AS SHE APPEARS. I know its a long shot, but knowing how easily Jack can be guilted I figure it would work. Walkabout couldnt come any sooner. Wouldnt want to hurt his reputation and all. I make it and smile when I find Sawyers clothes and a paperback edition of Watership Down. What is it Sawyer? I say a little too loudly and both Kate and Jack look back at us. Jack and Sayid move away from the spot to go to get Kate. I do feel guilty every time I steal a line, but how else am I supposed to make myself relevant? He glances at me and smirks before picking up a book and reading it. But youre right here blue eyes, whats a man to do? Sawyer croons and I take a step back as he steps forward. Then I looked at the envelope Americas bicentennial, Knoxville, TN. Little Miss Lost: Thank you so much! Ill wait for you there, Amelia shot back, anger and malice lacing her voice to hide the shattering of her heart. I hear voices call out to me. He reveals his true nature when he shouts at Gwen to come down the stairs, verbally abusing her by calling her ugly and fat. Summary: I know youll take care of her Jack. Jack and Kate have been on the island for 5 years. Ill wait for you there, Amelia shot back, anger and malice lacing her voice to hide the shattering of her heart. Rated: T. Genre: Drama/Mystery. Sawyer follows with a big flashlight. jaty. Dad dad! I think my sinuses are clearing? Sawyer pants, egging him on. Better than the three of you wandering into the magic forest to bag a hunk of ham with nothing but a little bitty hunting knife? But when it comes to . But their effect is the same when the shoots are inserted underneath the fingernails, Sayid explains in a menacing voice, and I can feel my heart rate increase rapidly. Sawyer! I call, feeling indignant. Fuck. I hate this scene, I hate this scene. Russ: Thank you very much! I ask you to help a woman who cant breath and you want me to kiss you? I think you and me were born with a lot of it then, Amelia muses, not looking up from her book. Sawyer sits and starts to read his letter, and I can almost feel the air turn sour. My arms are crossed over my chest and I huff in the direction of Jack and Sawyer. I look to my left and see Sawyer tied to a tree. Stop what, Chico? Sawyer asks and I look over to see Sayid making bamboo spikes. He's already in a bad mood from Boone, and even if I know he won't hurt me I'm still a bit afraid. Sawyer holds her at arms length, regarding her for a moment. Dont stop now. Well, I begin, biting my lip, My name is Amelia Kassman, I am 20 years old, now single, and I know the future. When Jack doesnt answer I continue, resolving to tell the same thingI told Sawyer a few days ago. Because whoever did is a freaking genius! Amelia responds cheerily, turning her head to smile at Sawyer. Part of it hurts me, but the other part of me knows that if I want Sawyer I have to wait. I cant stand it anymore, so I try to tug away from Sawyer. I turn on my back and stare up at the ceiling of the tent. Title: Embers Author: modernxxmyth Rating: R Fandom: Lost Pairing: Sawyer/Kate Status: WIP Spoilers: Through the series finale Summary: def - the smoldering or glowing remains of a fire. Kate and Jack keep me still as Sawyer and help me switch places with him. And I got them to give it to me. And a mans got a right to protect his property.. !Made for my beloved friend Andi; she was the first person I ever bonded over OC's with about 4 years ago now on lost-forum. My dad seems to be intrigued as well and I turn to him excitedly. Nobodys that disgusting. Which means that theres a mother nearby. This will be mostly Sawyer x OC in the endgame but other ships may arise. Also, clicking a chapter heading can cause an automatic download, unless you have that feature disabled in your browser. Do me a favor, Sawyer spat, shooting daggers at Amelia, when you leave today, go straight to Hell.. A 250 pound rat, with scimitar-like tusks, and a surly disposition, whod love nothing more than to eviscerate anything that comes near. Maybe I provoked him too much. Suddenly I hear a faint scream and realize, oh right, theres a commotion on the beach. They had both been reading a book silently when Sawyer decided to speak up. That piece of paper the one you keep in your pocket, I begin, I know the expression on your face when you read it and I know how carefully you fold it up. Sit down, James, theres something you should know, I say quietly. When he recovered, he shot back, More than you apparently. And it was Amelias turn to stand shocked. Great, thanks, I reply, feeling annoyed. You killed my parents, Mr. Sawyer, I finish reading and I look at my feet. No! What is it? Kate asks, breaking the silence. Birds flew away from the volume of her voice. Which one? Help me with these will you, she replied, ignoring what he said. He turns his head and catches my eye, and I give him a reassuring smile. I look Sawyer up and down as he comes out of the water naked, and I feel a blush creep over my face. What did I do to deserve this treatment? He doesnt want him to know what he has to say. Sawyer turns to me again to speak, Are you sure youre alright- He is cut off by a massive amount of turbulence. My stay at the cave was less than comfortable and I dont understand how any of those chumps think its a good place to dig in. Sawyer wasnt around when I got back, so I changed my clothes and sat down in my usual thinking spot. Im sitting on the beach as always. All are multi-chapter; all but one are completed works. I wake up to find that Jack, Kate, and Charlie had already left to find the planes transceiver. I can watch Hurley and Charlie walk to the waters edge to try and fail at fishing. I dont sleep, Amelia whispers, My mind has the scary capability of being dark and demented.. Baby, I am tied to a tree in a jungle of mystery. I decide not to go boar hunting. . Lost Emotions reviews Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Charlie, Locke, and Sayid all head out to find Claire. Across the Ocean, I smile to myself. Razorbacks, by the look of them. You absolutely do not, Sawyer shoots back and pulls Amelia into a tight side hug, sighing to himself. I watch curiously, already interested. I cant stand it anymore. I'm dreams_are_fanfiction and welcome to my LOST fanfiction site! You dont know nothin about me, Sawyer replies with a huff. I know who you are! fanfic writer, trying to instill the love of lost in more people. I shake my head and suddenly Jack shows up and starts going through Sawyers stuff. This girl might be the death of him. I scoot up a little more on Sawyers makeshift seat-bed. I tilt my head in question and he looks up ahead towards Jack and Kate. I should have just waited until we were alone. Welcome to the start of a new LOST fanfiction. Blue eyes, you alright? He says worriedly, and I can feel a tear roll down my cheek. For better or for worse, Amelia says proudly to Jack. I dont know how much my presence will affect things but Im hoping everything I know runs smoothly. A note? Sawyer scoffs, More like a symphony!. I never saw a pale, blue-eyed, red-haired extra on the beach camp before. Once Amelia was finally able to open the bottle and take a drink did he speak, Maybe youre just meant to live, to do something else no one else can do.. I should have died, but I didnt.. It is also revealed later on that his abuse leaves multiple cuts on Gwens body, such as huge cuts across her stomach. I dont get it, Amelia pants, lowering herself onto the nearest log she can find. How could I not? Hes just playing mind games with me. lost lostfanfiction loststory losttvshow mystery planecrash romance sawyer sayid southpacific thriller abcfamilyabclostaustraliabeachdesmonddramajackshepardjohnlockekateaustenlostlostfanfictionloststorylosttvshowmysteryplanecrashromancesawyersayidsouthpacificthriller Table of contentsLast updated Mar 25, 2017 Surviors of the plane crash The Others Not too much of a fight, Micheal answers, It was more like me getting gored.. I decide to get up and join them. So in the spirit I set to work getting my tent set up with plenty of tarp, airplane seats, and a few airline blankets I found underneath another set of seats. A note? Sawyer scoffs, More like a symphony!. Shannon her inhalers., You attacked a kid for trying to help his sick sister.. Sawyer sacrifices himself so he can set off the explosive to reset time. Sawyer proceeds to beat Gwen again, punching her so hard she gets knocked down to the ground and dislocates and nearly breaks her arm, only stopping due to learning that she has a photo shoot in three hours. I can feel his eyes on me for a long time. Are you hurt!? Title . He smirks at me, Well hello blue-eyes, thought you were dead.. Sawyer finally gets up. I dont have it, Sawyer says, and then turns his head to me, Blue eyes here probably knew that too.. I bounce in my seat happily as my brother shushes me. As the number of people gradually decrease, will they find Claire? 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