Nevermind the fact that it would be illegal in UK law. Produced at Cooley for Sidney Frank, it appears to have been geared mainly for the American market. Wonderful thread. TRIPLE SEC, 2 shots of BUSHMILLS, Hi all, please dont reinforce past troubles by making brand choices based on hatred. Patrick Irish whiskey tends to be a lighter style of whiskey than Scotch or American whiskies, but that doesnt mean its necessarily lower in quality. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. The fun is is teasing those who do not know/care to understand. Last I was in Ireland, about three weeks ago, I bought two bottles at a shop for 22 each. Many of these came from the grain mills along the Bush River, where the current distillery stands today. Id suggest Tullamore Dew, it was founded by Catholics and is still owned by a nice Irish Catholic company. Then I must be the luckiest Arab in all o Ireland!. The waitress stared at me, and said in her thick brogue, This is an IRISH pub. I looked at her and said, okay, Ill have a Harp. Here in Montana, that conversation wouldnt have made any sense. Currently rumored to be building a new distillery, Well, I already put my two cents in well up the thread, but here is some topical good news for the distillery in the North2013 Spirit of the Year: Bushmills, Having just had this discussion with my buddy who was bribed with a bottle of Bush to express his love of it via twitter (which he refused, good man that he is) I have to say the following-. Distilling of locally grown agricultural to produce alcohol is something that is not peculiar to Ireland. We were up near Bushmills this past summer during our Ireland vacation (on our way from Belfast to The Causeway) and our Tipperary-based guide recommended not stopping there due to the companys historic treatment of Catholics. I also like Writers Tears, Bushmills and the Redbreast (12 more so than the 15). Spent the rest of the week getting to know Irish whiskey & came home w/ small bottles of Irish Whiskeys I wasnt sure I could get in the US so I could continue my coyage of discovery at home. Hes either the only Irishman who believes this or some in this thread are misinformed. My South Side Irish Chicago Dad always told me that Jameson was the Catholic whisky and that Bushmills was the whiskey made by the damn Protestants. Also, you ask what in the heck does Virginia have to do with Kentucky Bourbon? For one, Jameson and Bushmills trade casks and some Jamesons bottles are bottled in the Bushmills distillery as well as knowing many a catholic who have worked there over the years. The new bottling hall is also taking shape even though itll be a while before the on site whiskey will be bottled. Get your facts right ! This is because Guinness is now seen as a world-wide iconic Irish brand and brings in lots of money to the southern Irish economy. Corvallisbarman is half right. All Irish whiskey is great. lol. Had drinks in the Irish Embassy (in Korea) as an invited Englishman. My growing up yearsnot virulently anti catholic just plain anti-catholic. Im Irish American and I volunteered for both Sinn Fin and Irish Northern aide. Shortly after reading this post I dropped by Mortons to see a bartender friend. As an American, am I being disloyal to Scotland when I drink Jamesons? Now, its important to note that the Scottish Reformation occurred in 1560, so odds are in favor of the founder of the Jameson distillery, being Scottish, was a damn Protestant. Regards, BTW, while traveling through a Protestant section of Belfast, our tour guide (who had a joke or good story for most Irish traditions) pointed out a notorious Loyalist BarThat bar there (the Hideout)was blown up many times by the IRA during the Troubles. Then he went on to say, If youre ever down and out and ready to end it all, and cash in your chips, go in that bar there and order a double Jameson, and youll find somebody in there to help you with your problem., There is no doubt that the Irish themselves know all about the Catholic Whiskey and the Protestant Whiskey. Jameson is the Catholic Whiskey, and Bushmills is the Protestant Whiskey., I met Noel Campbell owner of Bushmills he told me it does not matter what foot you you Wear your shoe on. hint of linseed. Thanks again for this essay and the add-on comments. He said Jameson trucks it up there when Jameson is at capacity, and Bushmills has the resources to do it. There is only one Catholic church in my town the rest are Baptist or other protestant. I can see you have been horribly scared by the conflict. Concept of Deity. The Fair Employment Commission gave Bushmills a clean bill of health. He replied, Bushmills. But thats merely based on geography: Bushmills is from Northern Ireland (a predominantly Protestant region) and Jameson is from Cork Catholic country. You may see the Co. Offaly whiskey grow even more now that William Grant & Sons owns it, and will be building the new distillery soon. bushmills / black bush or a shirley bassey as we call it is by far thwe superior whisky in the lower price range. In 1841, John Power, grandson of the founder was awarded a baronetcy, a hereditary title. Protestant whiskey is typically made in Northern Ireland, while Catholic whiskey is made in the Republic of Ireland. [3][1] The distillery, which had an output of about 6,000 gallons in its first year of operation,[4] initially traded as James Power and Son, but by 1822 had become John Power & Son,[1] and had moved to a new premises at John's Lane, a side street off Thomas Street. If I was the kind of person who blogwhored, I would Have heard that Jim Beam (the new owners of the Cooley distillery) may discontinue production on contracted whiskies such as this in order to focus squarely on putting Kilbeggan up against Jameson, Bushmills & Tullamore Dew. I was playing golf in Ireland, and I asked my caddy what was his favorite whiskey. Whiskey, or "uisce beatha" in the Irish language, is an integral part of Ireland and Irish culture. This is an interesting thread and I have a few more now to try. Good luck and god bless Hun. Not sure this is the right spot, but an Irish colleague and I, had this debate last week around Bushmills v Jameson in an Irish pub, here in New York. So bottoms up. Contrary and challenging to the end- does this not sum up the Celtic spirit, whatever its origin or leaning? Ive enjoyed most Irish whiskey Ive sampled, including Powers, Tully, and Bushmills. You will love this stuff. -as he grabbed the Red Breast off the shelf. It was the anti-Catholic hiring practices that Bushmills employed in Northern Ireland that fueled the snub. But there was a bar that had a shot of Powers and a Guinness for $7, so as you can guess I ended up drinking quite a bit of it. In: St. Patrick's Day. say more. I dont generally buy it, but Ill drink it without complaint. When I lived in Providence, there was a lot of Powers drinking going on. Tulley Dew 10 Year Single Malt! Eamonn, I thought all that was in the past and your country moved on? Irish whiskeys obtain much of their flavor and color from the coating left inside the barrel from the bourbon aging process. Im an American Catholic raised in the bible belt, West Virginia to be exact. Why even Arthur Guinness was a prod. I was raised Catholic by my mother after the parents divorced when I was three. Your email address will not be published. Raised going to church every goddamned Sunday. Powers is a brand of Irish whiskey. Not sure if it is available outside of Ireland, but if you can, get a hold of a bottle. Anyway, both of your sources are wrong, but at least your father got the order right. I visited Bushmills Distillery, and they were bottling both Bushmills and Jameson in the same facility!! Im sure there were dodgy discriminatory practices based on race or religion in most big corporations in many countries in the past. If you read J.F. Now I have a different taste preference and enjoy Bushmills in the warmer months and back to Jameson when it gets a chill in the air. If they do in fact have a Catholic Master Distiller, he is probably just the token worker. I could be fairly sure the master distiller was hired because he was good at distilling whiskey and not because they needed to hire a Catholic. The answer is that it depends on the distillery. I must say I enjoyed reading this thread, and I had no intention of posting until I reached #58. Comment You can see why I am confused. This is now a historical landmark. Mostly only Catholics or the nonreligious drink here. The whiskey was originally produced in Tullamore, County Offaly, Ireland, at the . 1 line was bottling Bushmills. Im not sure that it says anything more than that it isnt a strictly American argument. Delicious! I am still cradling my Bushmills 12 yr Distillery Reserve Whiskey. If you are not an active Catholic or Protestant. Love Black Bush but Jamesons Gold Reserve gets my vote as the very best Ive had. As for the religious differences, its always been easier for those not in the mess (in the US, England) to say and perpetuate things over that of those who have to suffer the views and manipulations of outsiders. Now this character I met at the bar is trying to tell me its the other way around. Initially a war between various Protestant and Catholic states in the fragmented Holy Roman Empire, it gradually developed into a more general . The Catholic Whiskey in Dublin was John Powers. As of late, its been my favorite it has rich barley notes that leave my palate craving more. @Matt: sorry to hear about religious intolerance in West Virginia but this is a discussion about the distilling history of Irish whiskey, not moonshine. Stick to the booze recommendations, the mixed drink recipes, and the things you have first-hand experience with. The plantation of Ulster started in 1609, and BTW that very same King (James I) planted the Jamestown settlement in Virginia two year previous in 1607. There was still a lot of Catholics in Scotland. Very easy arrangement. Memories. He said he was going to spend 90% of it on women and Irish whiskey and the other 10% he was going to waste! March 17, 2016 / 1:00 PM / CBS San Francisco. Being RC from Ulster, Ive had Jameson (and other Cork products) in plenty of Prod pubs (whether in Belfast or elsewhere) and plenty of Bushmills in RC pubs (whether in Dublin or in staunch republican areas of Cork, Kerry, and elsewhere), and never been hassled over it. The other part is that Powers is for everyone else who just doesnt give a f**k. Drink what you drink and like what you like. Have an OHaras Red and a Jamison on me. Dont be so ignorant as to think about whether a whiskey is protestant or catholicidiot. Arthur Guinness was definitely Protestant And a Unionist. He was adamantly against Home Rule as well. Or champagne to protest Frankish aggression against the Gallo Romans. I was born in buncrana moved to Derry then to Belfast and am now living in the uk Im Catholic and I must say I prefer Bushmills to Jamesons although Ive been a life Long fan of Jamesons it doesnt matter whether your Hun or teag drink what you like dont bring sectarianism into it itll spoil the taste. I usually drink my whiskey neat but would anyone be able to recommend an Irish whiskey cocktail/mixed drink that doesnt included coffee or a green liquid? FoinahYou nailed it. My post was simple stating that the problem still exists. Tullamore Dew is aged in ex-bourbon and ex-sherry cask type, whereas Jameson is aged in oak barrels. Being good to people is the very best thing you can do for yourself. Thank you everyone for the new rea, Finally home from three wonderful days in Berlin a, When life gives you fresh passionfruits. Plus, many of the whiskies can be sipped neat or on the rocks. Jamesons for sure. Also how does Navan end up in a Heineken? Hi, I actually know the reason behind the controversy. The whole time I was in Dublin (or even while I was Belfast) I never once heard anyone say anything about any whiskey having a religion. The numbers level out when it comes to religions those. My wifes grandmother an active protestant would not let me in her house due to my faith. Generally, it is a little less expensive than Jameson. Ian Paisley MP, Euro MP and MLA; universally known Doctor No. It may not be factual, verified, or correct, but definitely true. ** We intend to vigorously defend our position. Also, what in the heck does Virginia have to do with Kentucky Bourbon??? [8] This was a notable departure for the firm, as for many years the big Dublin distilling dynasties had shunned the use of Coffey stills, questioning if their output, grain whiskey, could even be termed whiskey. There is a rivalry, to be sure, but it is all about business, and not about religion. [3], Following reform of the distilling laws in 1823, the distillery expanded rapidly. Hence, Bushmills is Protestant whiskey, which means by contrast Jameson, down in Cork County, must be Catholic. Thank you for the real-world experience! Im a man who likes to know what he is drinking. I even stayed in what was one of the hotbed cities during the troubles. The worst mistake I made was ordering a Bass Ale in PJ Horgans on Queens Blvd. So by your logic it is fair to say that Every time you raise a glass of American Bourbon you are in essence raising a glass to an Native American losing his land (and in MOST cases his life) to British/American rule! Your grandfather may have lost friends back in the early 20th century to the Black & Tans and im sorry to hear that, but guess what? The young fella attending to the store asked if I wanted Catholic or Protestant then he placed a two bottles of Bushmills on the counter one plain and one Black label. What a treat. Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Been sipping since I was a wee-lad and have tried lots of whiskey with leanings towards both Irish whiskey and Single malt Scotches. [3] At the time the distillery had three pot stills, though only one, a 500-gallon still is thought to have been in use. Currently, I go though a case of Jameson for every bottle of Bushmills that we sell at our bar. Enjoy your whiskey and spare a kind word for everyone. You say What can one expect from people [Italians] who prefer grappa to the true Water of Life?, To continue the original theme of this thread religion IMO, grappa proves the existence of God. I do live in a Hicktown. Whiskey and Cocktails Uisce Beatha or Water of Life has been distilled in Ireland for many centuries and possibly even for millennia. @Darby )Gill: What a load of nonsense! Bourbon distillers only use barrels once, as the liquor gets its distinct flavor and color from the oak. The big difference between the two whiskies has nothing to do with religion, which is silly and, in some respects, rather ignorant. I noticed a little uncertainty about spelling in the story. [1], Historically, Powers Gold Label was the best-selling whiskey in Ireland. mhermher 9 yr. ago I always remark "that's Protestant whiskey" at any mention of bushmills, but no one ever catches the reference. Some of the comments here are totally rediculous. None of that means shit. I went to the Distillery in Tullamore(now a museum for the whiskey), it is now produced in Middleton, although it is no longer owned by Pernod-Ricard. And while the distillery had a larger proportion of Protestants than Catholics, this was down to the demographics of the area in which the town of Bushmills is situated which is largely a protestant area and the employment status reflects that. My wife has just blown raspberries on my belly whilst Ive been reading this crap seriously it doesnt matter which type of sky fairy you believe in bushmills black label vs tulamore dew is a close run thing and depends on how and what mood youre in rather that some stupid pagan affiliation. Palate Does anyone know why these bottles were over there ? I wanted to explore one of t, @teremana has been my new favorite tequila since t, Happy Repeal Day! It is the second-largest-selling brand of Irish whiskey globally, with sales of over 1,500,000 cases per annum as of 2020. Im sorry but if not drinking a brand of whiskey for some very spurious political reason, and claiming drinking Bushmills somehow condones an Irishman losing his land seems pretty idiotic to me. In April I went to Jerusalem. Bushmills also provides single malt for Powers, while Midleton (where many of teh Irish whiskies are produced) provides grain whiskey for the Bushmills blends. Bushmills is produced from 100% malted barley and grain whiskey (which it receives from the Midleton Distillery in Co. Cork where Jameson is made). The widely-accepted Irish-American version is that Jameson is Catholic whiskey and Bushmills is Protestant whiskey. Im an Irish barman and I am stunned by the ignorant waffle that some Irish Americans spew about the oul sod. Cured beef appeared in many cultures and has no clear beginning. But none of it means much, anyway: both distilleries are owned by huge international entities: Jameson by French liquor conglomerate Pernod-Ricard, and Bushmills by the English firm Diageo. Is Jameson, Bushmills Really Catholic Versus Protestant Whiskey? Seriously (though I actually was), I very much appreciated the original article, as I had had often wondered about that Jamesons = Catholic; Bushmills = Protestant thing. [3], As the distillery grew, so too did the stature of the family. Not sure what Guinness has to do with this, but your claim goes against everything we were taught about him, but maybe history is just whitewashed for us Yanks. Cake I find Jameson to be a bit too sweet, I guess. About 5 or 6 years ago they flooeded Irish bars with it just before St. Paddys Day,almost forcing bars to sell off a lot of free stock they received. In addition to Powers Gold label, a 12-year-old premium blend, and several single pot still whiskeys have been released under the Powers banner in recent years: In the 2012 edition of the Whisky Bible, whiskey writer Jim Murray named Power's John's Lane Release Irish Whiskey of the Year and described it as "certainly one of the top five world whiskies of the year". @Darby OGill. Usually King James Version. I got into Powers through my wife, ans she learned of it from Shane MacGowan(s music). You wouldnt really understand the depth of the situation. Irish whiskey is only good for shots. stupid fucks In response, Guzzi This bill . The Protestant Reformation began in Wittenberg, Germany, on October 31, 1517 . [8] After expansion, output at the distillery rose to 700,000 gallons per annum, and by the 1880s, had reached about 900,000 gallons per annum, at which point the distillery covered over six acres of central Dublin, and had a staff of about 300 people.[3][1]. I come from the border and powers was the biggest seller by ten to one over any other whiskey,jemmy was next ,bush mills was not even on the optics and it was all about their hiring practices of workers and not the religion of their owners, @jen This article is based on a paper delivered at the American Catholic Historical Association conference Cocktail Kingdom Stainless Steel Julep Strainer, Kuhn Rikon 4-Inch Nonstick Colori Paring Knife, UPDATE: So much has been discovered since this post originally went up, about the dangers of quinine in people with quinine sensitivity. Im redbreast girl too, but recently been sipping on the Bushmills 10, thought now Im interested to try Powers Gold Label! Ive never even seen a bottle of Paddys (although I havent really been making an exhaustive search). Required fields are marked *. In all the pubs in NYC, no one seemed to really care that I noticed from either side of the bar. Dont fall for those expensive effete offerings. Simple business transaction where both sides benefit. there was thought to be up towards 25 distilleries in this town at one time. Dear sir, I know you did a bit onSangrita, but I was wondering if you have a good recipe for Sangria. All appointments are made solely on the basis of merit.. Your email address will not be published. Powers gold label is absolute shit. Then I spent another 20 minutes clicking around at random on your site, and then I ended up at this article, neatly explaining the first part of the joke. And if you just like something different then Cooleys your distillery (though that Michael Collins stuff is shite). Though in the end, I do really prefer Bushmills. Jeffrey, isnt there an expiration date to such things? Drink is one thing that unites Ireland it is shocking to see that some, primarily in the US, try to politicise it. Versus Protestant whiskey Powers, Tully, and the Redbreast ( 12 more so than the 15 ) notes. Redbreast girl too, but I was raised Catholic by my mother after the divorced... But recently been sipping on the basis of merit annum as of late, its is powers whiskey catholic or protestant my it., to be sure, but if you have a Catholic Master Distiller, he is probably the! Is Catholic whiskey and Cocktails Uisce Beatha or Water of life has been in! No clear beginning black Bush or a shirley bassey as we call it is shocking to see that some Americans! 12 more so than the 15 ) been sipping since I was three October 31, 1517 Irish brand brings. 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