Loki_more_like_Lowkey, Wackittywack, heidi6604, Kailen, ria13428, Marvelgirl073, Boobear06, teamjhw, fanfiction_love4ever, Anellesti, Jedi_Knight_Willa, Capricorn, SpellMoonstone, SilverIce523, saes_fan, TigerLady_Babs, StoryLover_3685, Xzaqr33, Star5699, godtm, Izabela7575, ChaosKitten94, Kaz_Langston, ALoverofAllWriting, XxMadHattersTeaTimexX, relatively_einstein, Oreocat, NadiaBryar, Vermillon_Sasaki, cgutierrez8613, Snarry4ever, LiaLefay, NeoAeschyli, Naisa, LorieLreader, iizafailure_69, Persephoneblack19, Charlieweaslyisthebest, Nerdygirl99, Agent_humming_bird, sparrow1319, jonesnatasha30, 2Feo15, Grandma, Ghost_Queen1322, supergirl_3684, Wolfy33, poppet15, reefer10k, RyMagnatar, and 212 more users Fornells relationship with Gibbs made it impossible to predict the likely outcome. Show her youre up to it.. The actual stories are about him finding a new job, but the consequences of Gibbs and Vances actions are explored in several of the relays. Original characters and original plot elements are mine, but I still make no money, plus I loan them out for parties. And Im glad. His co-workers said he even ate lunch alone. Id never go to him directly with something like this, but if they try to fuck with me, theyre going to get a nasty surprise., Marcus blinked in surprise, but then gave a nearly feral grin. Melliana Jessica Grey is an abused, lost, scared 9 year old runaway. It worked in the past. Gibbs offered. But he was so damn tired of living a lie. The authors always agreed because its fanfiction. He had black hair and blue eyes. And yet you wrote : Also, they are most assuredly NOT prompts themselves. Sothey can or cannot take your ideas ? 26You Will Go Down With This Ship|fallen|waterfall|trap doorWhumptober No. The loss of Tony changes everything for Gibbs and ultimately for Stargate Command and the city of Atlantis. Title: That NCIS Guy He then stormed off to catch up with Tony. Tony said I needed to learn patience.. Tim looked around the bullpen and the rest of the office confused. Marcus was actually higher up in the FBI than Fornellhe was the SAC of the Baltimore field officeand he could make sure the mess didnt get buried. Then where is he? Kate asked. Gibbs had told him, but he wanted to make them both aware of the fact he knew they believed him unfit for the job. What hailie doesnt get is that its your INTERPRETATION of the idea that matters. Enter your email address to subscribe to this site and receive notifications of new posts by email. Feeding Frenzy Fanfiction Relay Now Published, Tony DiNozzo/Steve McGarrett/Jethro Gibbs, Artist Showcase: Nightsong21133 for Walk Me Down Your Broken Line by Jilly James, Walk Me Down Your Broken Line 2/2 Jilly James, Walk Me Down Your Broken Line 1/2 Jilly James, Artist Showcase: tpena19 for From the Ashes by SilverDragonfly, Artist Showcase: ringspells for What the Hell is an Imprint? They returned their headphones and signed out, after showing their individual targets as proof of passing the evaluation. The Business of Family by charli911: Tony returns to D.C. after two weeks away testifying at a trial and it seems that the entire team has turned against him. Tony nodded weakly against Gibbs' chest. He knew Tony had figured that one out long ago. Or maybe they just assumed you didnt really mean your very clear notes at the end of the fic. Hes concerned Tonys going to get tired of all their plans being canceled. Tony did not hesitate, but climbed into her lap, not embarrassed at all to cuddle despite his recent promotion to thirteen and the teen years. He'd tried to ignore the hurt when he was ignored, reasoning if he stayed in place he could mitigate the damage. What Im saying is I dont understand how you can be so protective over something thats actually not fully yours : Characters, story, even the elements used to write your story are not yours. Blood stolen Tony choked on his own blood, his mouth open, trying to drag air into his lungs through the filthy piece of cloth thrust into his mouth. He and Tony hit it off very well. You were supposed to listen to me when Gibbs was away. If he cant get it here, from his own team, hell get it elsewhere. Youre driving me crazy! He was tired, but it wasnt the physical exhaustion that was dragging him down. Or somethin. The Deepest Significance - An NCIS fanfic by Cosmic Chapter Four "He's on a ventilator." Ducky's words echoed between them, the car filling with the words, deafening in the silence. Thank you for this! Im not. "Read the letter out loud." When Tony hesitated, Gibbs sharpened his voice like a knife on stone. Tony has to create a cover while he downloads a file, so he talks about returning to the farm. (My contributions to this series are in the fandoms JAG, FBI, and Crossing Lines.). You can teach them. Tony replied. Being and NCIS agent comes with risks and rewards. Tonys got a long history too, if you think about it. Tony had a decade plus, if you added up all the individual jobs, plus the fact he had made detective in Baltimore. Leo nodded again. Its not anyone elses right to publicly judge them, either way. Im not sure, youll have to ask him. Gibbs stated. By the time this happened, Id seen several times Tony should have just said, Fuck it. and walked away. 1.2K Stories. Gibbs looked up. The gunny hadnt been on the payroll long, just a few weeks. I Prom.|passing out|vertigo|collapse. Police Academy weapons training, is probably not, at all, like Secret Service training, Kate. Tony replied. He took early retirement from the force, and then joined NCIS. Tony had known Marcus since college. Leo Antonelli, short for Leonardo, was a former Las Vegas cop for 15 years. In fact, recovery never felt so impossible. I love reading your work. Gibbs one night finds Tony's diary and discovers he's hiding many secrets from being gay to who he's in love with. This is a big step, a huge confidence builder for young agents, knowing the proper ways of handling their weaponsonce you feel confident there. I even have a page on my site devoted to permission for people who want to do their own take on something. Like so many moments in NCIS about Ziva, I wish theyd done this in the series. She changes them just as much as they change her. Thats not what I meant, Sir, AgentGibbs. Fandom: Criminal Minds, NCIS You get a team who doesnt fight like kids on a playground all the time. Tony paused. It fit very well into the story. Dont get me wrong, I understand the I worked hard on this story so dont steal it Ann Rice doesnt let people write fan fiction with her stories and characters but to me it only work for originals stories. Tony made his assignments. When he settled she kissed him. Tony pressed the button to bring Denniss target forward. Yes, Tim. Gibbs said, growing irritated. They both knew Tony had been reprimanded for minor offenses, nothing that would get him into serious trouble. I need to find it elsewhere. Tony paused again and shook his head. They were about how his new team would take him, given his, agency wide, reputation. Im sorry that they not only didnt get it, but had to be rude while they showed off the fact that they didnt get it. No slash. Post SWAK episode where Tony is recovering from the plague in Gibbss house and Gibbss paternal side is forced to come out. But he told his team to wait for Gibbs to arrive so that they could coordinate their efforts. She had, of course, gained field status. And just so you knowits not in Physical Education.. But Gibbs is starting to see through his mask. Characters: Tony DiNozzo, OC Events happen that cause him to have to make possibly life-changing decisions. She absolutely didn't plan for Murphy's law to follow her around, and her " Boyfriend" was pissing her offWhat's a girl to do? Taken aback by the anger in Tony's eyes, Gibbs momentarily forgot his own irritation and narrowed his eyes. Tony smiled when he saw his former boss walking up. I solemnly swear I will never financially profit from my fan works. All the rest seems to fall into place., Beverly admitted. I didnt have cameo character in mind. You take the sailors car. Gibbs said, wanting to give Tony the more complicated scene. "Boss?" Tim said. All publicly recognizable characters, settings, images, photos, graphics, etc. Sometimes you are born into your family. Grab your gear.. Plagiarism : The practice of taking someone elses work or IDEAS and passing them off as ones own. Title: Sentry YOU are impressive to me. He was a competent SFA, and he got along, fairly well with Tim and Kate. A sailor and his wife had been in the blue sedan that had been pushed out of the way by another sedan. I dont need that from the people who are supposed to be subordinate. The team didnt move with the addition of its new leader. Nobody ever mistook him for the good guy. But I dont think Ive read one where Tony is clear that this is as much (or even more) about revenge as it is cleaning up the agency and with SecDef as his godfather, he will have some immunity from covert repercussions. They couldnt help but wonder why they never got invited to or even heard about this cabin. Pairing: Beckett/Caldwell, Gibbs/DiNozzo, McGee/Ziva, Sheppard/McKay. Look Gibbs, I deserve the respect. Both of them, along with -no doubt- the SecNav as well thinking an injured agent guilty of nothing save wanting to give his partner the benefit of a doubt should be delivered into the hands of the Mossad so he could take one for the team. Gibbs decided he probably did. Tony moves to Hawaii Anthony DiNozzo Leaves NCIS Team Twelve years ago, Tony and his soulmates stopped talking to each other. 29 All Work And No Play|Youre Still Not Dead?|too weak to move|overworked. As her mental faculties declined, she charged the only person she truly trusted, Phil Coulson, to continue her vigil. His team members really liked him, and they all enjoyed his sense of humor. She now, only had to find a way to get along with the new boss. Relationship(s): Tony DiNozzo/Steve McGarrett Summary: When Steve Rogers disappeared into the ice, Peggy Carter considered it her duty to stand watch over the daughter Steve never knew he had. Just when Tony wants to give up, a stern yet comforting presence is there to remind him about the fight he still needs to face. Tony has to wrestle with his own demons to fight for the man hes fallen for. I still think the two-man thing will work. Gibbs replied. Title: Sweet Responsibility Agent Todd! He said, finally getting her to turn her head. But that doesnt make it any less true. Gibbs demanded, trying to draw the vultures off their target. Gibbs and Kate seemed to be hard at work. She then pulled the trigger. When a case goes array and Tony becomes injured, the prognosis is bleak. It shows the character in a bad light. He didnt think Tony capable. What cabin? She saw how well his team liked him. Which one of you got it? Tony knew neither had gotten it. She liked his method of teaching, and she was not at all sure what she could learn from a person with a reputation like Tonys. Both Tim and Kate followed Gibbs into the elevator and into the waiting car. OPh Yeah! Word Count: 1,000 When she runs into Ziva David, an NCIS agent. Gibbs then turned his attention to Kate. Then Ill answer any questions you have.. If you dont like it, theres always the back button. She then glared at Tony again. It tells the story from Tony's little black book with all the interesting women he dated in his life. "Dear Director Morrow," The sound of a slap echoed throughout the room and Tony jerked forward, arms scraping across the tight leather surface of Gibbs' desk. I mean 13 millions people, in the US only, watch NCIS. It was part of why they went there federal agents were not the normand neither were politicians. She was on her way to becoming a very competent agent. The next day found Tony and his team out on the shooting range. . And he pays the price. And for those watching from the outside, and many were watching, if for no other reason to see and place bets on the exact day and time Tony would crash and burn. Tim and Kate realized now how big a buffer Tony had been between them and Gibbs. Thats not different from what people wanted to do with your short stories. He was so screwed. Gibbs nodded. You need to tell them. Gibbs said after he and Tony entered the elevator and Gibbs flipped the switch. She changes them just as much as they change her. Some arent. But Tony was a competent leader. Anyway, its not a direct fit to what you mention, but it does tick a lot of the boxes and at least 6 or 7 of the episodes deal directly with the fallout of the Very Bad Decision. He was moved in in less than an hour. This is a complete rewrite of a story that I had posted on my old AO3. The only people, it seemed who had not been surprised by Tonys success with his team had been Gibbs and Morrow. Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis, NCIS. Later on romance forms and things shall get heated. . They are going to love that.. You can tell them. Relationship(s): Tony DiNozzo/Randolph Rampart Now you see what Tonys really like. They werent in the same frat, and Marcus was a couple years older, but theyd played ball together for two years and had been close friends. Even meeting with an FBI agent to hand over evidence. Ive learned a lot Tony said. Gibbs was pulling up moments later. Is he still herehere in D.C.?, He took over Chris Harristons team. Gibbs explained. I know Im annoying. Fandom: Magnum PI, hints of Hawaii Five-0 and NCIS He had to finish up all his work for Team Gibbs before he transferred and he had not realized, until that morning, that he had so much to do. Tony snorted. They just cleaned out Chriss desk and put Tonys stuff in. Work Search: You knew you were leaving two weeks before you did. Never before had he been in one of those places. Tim and Kate sat in stunned silence for just a few moments. He knew a lot of the member from previous collaborations between Gibbss and Harristons teams, which meant he knew pretty they probably would not take him seriously at first. Series: Profilers for Christmas 2019 Advent Calendar Ill apologize on their behalf. She backtracked. Kate looked in the direction of their bullpen. Things that, if I had been doing right by Tony, you both would have been written up for.. Partly drawn together because theyd both wound up in law enforcement. Can be kid Tony, or adult Tony, or just act like father and son.Genre: Angst, Challenge. Its huge, too big to be called a cabin4 bedrooms, three baths, and a Jacuzzi.. It doesnt made you appear in a good light. If you are under the age of 18, please leave immediately. My Muses and I are verbose as fuck. I will try to give you an epilogue worth reading. Obligatory Tony leaves NCIS with a bang-not betaed Chapter 1 Tony sat back and threw his pen onto his desk. Rating: PG-13 Fandom: NCIS, MCU, The Sentinel He got second degree burns on his legs but the child was unharmed." He opened a second box. Title: What Fate Brings Fandom: NCIS, minor 9-1-1, The Sentinel Genre: Contemporary, Sentinels & Guides Are Known Pairing: Tony DiNozzo/Randolph Rampart Rating: R Warnings: Discussion-murder, Canon-level Violence. You really have too many excellent short stories that can become bigger. Tim opened his mouth to speak again. No one can bring him out of the grief stricken haze he is in as far as the NCIS agent is concerned. Warnings: No beta. Deal with it!. You werent ready. Thanks to queenbee1711 for suggesting the rivalry. https://wildhareproject.com/the-feeding-frenzy-series-page/, I would like to know who the SecDef is. And while he looked mean, tough, and hard to get along with, he was probably one of the nicest guys youd ever met. Tony looked at Tim for a long moment before he got up left the bullpen. Tony started to walk away, taking advantage of the shocked looks on both their faces. Just to be clear, Jilly, I have read everything you have written in the NCIS and Stargate: Atlantis fandoms. Both Tim and Kate nodded. The entire time in Israel, hed been working through the issues in the back of his mind, not sure what he was going to do. Both Kate and Tim opened their mouths to speak. (Im not a shipper-TATE- so I dont buy the sexual tension theory.) It should be annoying. Kate snapped sarcastically. So mote it be. Are Jason and I the only ones working today?, I know what you were just doing. Tim replied. But it gets the job done., Gibbs shook his head. Which one is getting it?, Gibbs shook his head. AN: Thank you all for your comments and reviews. I thought this was our crime scene Kate replied. , Oh, I really loved this one. It already has over 91,000 hits making it one of the most popular fanfics of NCIS out there. All comments are moderatedthe reason for this is under Site Info | Comments & Feedback. The comment was about stopping people from writing me and asking if they can finish my story for me. What will you do with Tim and Kate? Tony asked, curious about Gibbs answer. Release the Kraken!!! Instead of answering directly, Tony passed a file across the table. I like this handling of this time. But hehe cant just leave youleave us. McGee was dumbfounded. Wow, I just found this and although Im sorry that there will be more, I have to say I love it. 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